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Mathematics Research Guide: Overview

A good place to get started with research topics in math and statistics

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WSU Databases

ProQuest Science Journals Definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. Coverage includes general science, materials science, aerospace, engineering, computers, physics, telecommunications, transportation, and military science.

JSTOR Is an online archive of scholarly journals which contains high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. Arts & Sciences Collection I, II and IV only.

Free Searching

ZBMath - The ZbMATH Database contains about 2.9 million entries drawn from about 3500 journals and 1100 serials from 1868 to present. Published by Springer and the European Mathematical Society. Search for free, but the full text is expensive. Use our Journal Finder to see if the full text is available in one of our databases. If not, you can use the Interlibrary Loan Service where we will obtain the items you need from another library.

Electronic Library of Mathematics - contains online journals, article collections, monographs, and other electronic resources in the field of mathematics. Most of the site is free, except for some periodicals which a certain delay period after which they become freely available.

Open Access

Open Science Directory - FREE contains just over 13,000 free journals, including the Directory of Open Access Journals, and peer-reviewed journals covered by High Wire Press (Stanford University - the largest archive of of free full-text articles in science and medicine). Easy identification of issues and available years. 

Mag Portal  FREE Updated every few days. Separate section for Math . Searchable, easy to browse directory of magazine articles on science and technology available online. Good for general interest, popular magazine coverage of topics in math.


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