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Health Sciences Research Guide: Endnote Reference Manager

A good place to start for researching topics in allied health, public health, and communications science & disorders.

What is EndNote?

EndNote is reference manager software available in both online and desktop software versions. It enables you to move through your research process with flexible tools for searching, organizing and sharing your research, creating your bibliography and writing your paper. EndNote Online subscriptions and the desktop software version are available for free to the Worcester State University community.

EndNote can help you create a customized library of all your references, organize your library using groups to categorize references by project, subject or anything you choose - and those references can be in as many groups as you want. It will also insert those references in Word and will automatically create citations and a bibliography in the bibliographic style of your choice.

EndNote Online Basic is adequate for most student needs. It is for use with web browsers in conjunction with Microsoft Word (for Mac or Windows). Go to to register and set up your online access. Be sure to also install the Cite While You Write plug-in for Word, and the Capture Reference browser tool from the Downloads menu.

Publisher Instruction & Training links:

EndNote Online

EndNote v. 21 is the more robust desktop/laptop software product available in both Mac and Windows versions. This version is for more advanced researchers including graduate students and faculty. It will also install the plug-in for Microsoft Word and can be synchronized with an existing EndNote Online account. You can Download the latest version of the software for free from the WSU IT downloads page (requires your WSU login for access.)

Also available for WSU users: Download EndNote for iPhone/iPad from the iOS app store. With flexible tools for searching, organizing, sharing research, and creating bibliographies, the EndNote for iPad app extends your ability to stay on top of cutting edge research and connect with your EndNote library on the go.

Here is the link to the publisher's complete user guide,
and their EndNote Training videos on YouTube:
Publisher Downloads, Installation, Instruction & Training links:

Alternatives to EndNote Online

If you do not like using EndNote Web, or prefer to work with a different, open-source research manager, check out our Zotero LibGuide!