Education today : issues, policies & practices by Beryl Watnick, editor
v. 1, Section 1. History of education ; Section 2. Education theory ; Section 3. Education psychology ; Section 4. Education and the law ; Section 5. Politics, government & education ; Section 6. School administration & policy ; Section 7. Public school education ; Section 8. Higher education ; Section 9. School safety
v. 2, Section 1. Multicultural & diversity education ; Section 2. Curriculum and organization ; Section 3. Early childhood education ; Section 4. Guidance & counseling ; Section 5. Teaching methods ; Section 6. Special education ; Section 7. ESOL ; Section 8. Physical education
v. 3, Section 1. Technology in education ; Section 2. Testing and evaluation ; Section 3. Alternative education ; Section 4. Extended learning ; Section 5. Service learning ; Section 6. Teacher education ; Section 7. Adult education ; Section 8. International perspectives.
Call Number: LA210 .E38 2018eb
ISBN: 9781682177136
Publication Date: 2018