Welcome to the Access Services LibGuide!
Access Services is the umbrella term for the departments providing acces to library materials, media resources, course reserves, interlibrary loan, and student employment.
We can help you with your questions about accessing library accounts, placing ILL requests, using class reserves materials, etc. We can also provide users with assistance in using the OneCard kiosk, the photocopy machines, and the laser printer. Our friendly and experienced satff can also help you find events across campus.
Access Services Contact
508 - 929 - 8524
Jorge Brown
Access Services Librarian
Room L-239A
(508) 929-8531
Zach Washburn, Daytime Circulation & Reserves
L-201B (Main Desk)
(508) 929-8525
Michael Dennis, Sunday/ Evening Circulation & Reserves
L-201B (Main Desk)
(508) 929-8524
Lisa Blair, Interlibrary Loan
L-201B (Main desk)
(508) 929-8523