A collection of links and websites for all types of cataloging and classifcation resources, useful for a cataloging department or technical services area in an academic library.
Library of Congress Controlled VocabulariesSubject cataloging depends on lists of controlled subject access vocabulary and thesauri. Library of Congress catalog records generally feature subject access points from one or more of the following thesauri and headings lists.
Fiction Subjects Guide - Univ. of North DakotaThis Guide is apparently derived from the "Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc." The 2nd edition of this book is available from the OpenLibrary, https://openlibrary.org/books/OL6786463M/Guidelines_on_subject_access_to_individual_works_of_fiction_drama_etc.
VIAF matches and links the authority files of national libraries and groups all authority records for a given entity into a merged ?super? authority record that brings together the different names for that entity.